Vocabulary : Approachment to Appropinquate

Approachment : Approach.
Approbate : Approved. ;; To express approbation of; to approve; to sanction officially.
Approbation : Proof; attestation. ;; The act of approving; an assenting to the propriety of a thing with some degree of pleasure or satisfaction; approval; sanction; commendation. ;; Probation or novitiate.
Approbative : Approving, or implying approbation.
Approbativeness : The quality of being approbative. ;; Love of approbation.
Approbator : One who approves.
Approbatory : Containing or expressing approbation; commendatory.
Appromt : To quicken; to prompt.
Approof : Trial; proof. ;; Approval; commendation.
Appropinquate : To approach.
Next : Appropinquation, Appropinquity, Appropre, Appropriable, Appropriament, Appropriate, Appropriated, Appropriately, Appropriateness, Appropriating
Previous : Apprizement, Apprizer, Approach, Approachability, Approachable, Approachableness, Approached, Approacher, Approaching, Approachless
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