Vocabulary : Approver to Appui

Approver : One who approves. Formerly, one who made proof or trial. ;; An informer; an accuser. ;; One who confesses a crime and accuses another. See 1st Approvement, 2. ;; A bailiff or steward; an agent.
Approving : of Approve ;; Expressing approbation; commending; as, an approving smile.
Approximate : Approaching; proximate; nearly resembling. ;; Near correctness; nearly exact; not perfectly accurate; as, approximate results or values. ;; To carry or advance near; to cause to approach. ;; To come near to; to approach. ;; To draw; to approach.
Approximated : of Approximate
Approximately : With approximation; so as to approximate; nearly.
Approximating : of Approximate
Approximation : The act of approximating; a drawing, advancing or being near; approach; also, the result of approximating. ;; An approach to a correct estimate, calculation, or conception, or to a given quantity, quality, etc. ;; A continual approach or coming nearer to a result; as, to solve an equation by approximation. ;; A value that is nearly but not exactly correct.
Approximative : Approaching; approximate.
Approximator : One who, or that which, approximates.
Appui : A support or supporter; a stay; a prop. ;; The mutual bearing or support of the hand of the rider and the mouth of the horse through the bit and bridle.
Next : Appulse, Appulsion, Appulsive, Appulsively, Appurtenance, Appurtenant, Apricate, Aprication, Apricot, April
Previous : Appropriation, Appropriative, Appropriator, Approvable, Approval, Approvance, Approve, Approved, Approvedly, Approvement
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