Vocabulary : Arachnid to Arachnological

Arachnid : An arachnidan.
Arachnida : One of the classes of Arthropoda. See Illustration in Appendix.
Arachnidan : One of the Arachnida.
Arachnidial : Of or pertaining to the Arachnida. ;; Pertaining to the arachnidium.
Arachnidium : The glandular organ in which the material for the web of spiders is secreted.
Arachnitis : Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane.
Arachnoid : Resembling a spider's web; cobweblike. ;; Pertaining to a thin membrane of the brain and spinal cord, between the dura mater and pia mater. ;; Covered with, or composed of, soft, loose hairs or fibers, so as to resemble a cobweb; cobwebby. ;; The arachnoid membrane. ;; One of the Arachnoidea.
Arachnoidal : Pertaining to the arachnoid membrane; arachnoid.
Arachnoidea : Same as Arachnida.
Arachnological : Of or pertaining to arachnology.
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