Vocabulary : Archenteron to Archetypal

Archenteron : The primitive enteron or undifferentiated digestive sac of a gastrula or other embryo. See Illust. under Invagination.
Archeological : Same as Archaeology, etc.
Archeology : Alt. of Archeological
Archer : A bowman, one skilled in the use of the bow and arrow.
Archer fish : A small fish (Toxotes jaculator), of the East Indies; -- so called from its ejecting drops of water from its mouth at its prey. The name is also applied to Chaetodon rostratus.
Archeress : A female archer.
Archership : The art or skill of an archer.
Archery : The use of the bow and arrows in battle, hunting, etc.; the art, practice, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrows. ;; Archers, or bowmen, collectively.
Arches : pl. of Arch, n.
Archetypal : Of or pertaining to an archetype; consisting a model (real or ideal) or pattern; original.
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