Vocabulary : Argent to Argentine
Argent : Silver, or money. ;; Whiteness; anything that is white. ;; The white color in coats of arms, intended to represent silver, or, figuratively, purity, innocence, beauty, or gentleness; -- represented in engraving by a plain white surface. ;; Made of silver; of a silvery color; white; shining.
Argental : Of or pertaining to silver; resembling, containing, or combined with, silver.
Argentalium : A (patented) alloy of aluminium and silver, with a density of about 2.9.
Argentamine : Alt. of -min
Argentan : An alloy of nickel with copper and zinc; German silver.
Argentate : Silvery white.
Argentation : A coating or overlaying with silver.
Argentic : Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, silver; -- said of certain compounds of silver in which this metal has its lowest proportion; as, argentic chloride.
Argentiferous : Producing or containing silver; as, argentiferous lead ore or veins.
Argentine : Pertaining to, or resembling, silver; made of, or sounding like, silver; silvery. ;; Of or pertaining to the Argentine Republic in South America. ;; A siliceous variety of calcite, or carbonate of lime, having a silvery-white, pearly luster, and a waving or curved lamellar structure. ;; White metal coated with silver. ;; A fish of Europe (Maurolicus Pennantii) with silvery scales. The name is also applied to various fishes of the genus Argentina. ;; A citizen of the Argentine Republic.
: Argentite, Argentous, Argentry, Argil, Argillaceous, Argilliferous, Argillite, Argillo-areenaceous, Argillo-calcareous, Argillo-ferruginous
: Aretaics, Arete, Aretology, Arew, Argal, Argala, Argali, Argand lamp, Argas, Argean
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary