Vocabulary : Arietate to Arillus
Arietate : To butt, as a ram.
Arietation : The act of butting like a ram; act of using a battering-ram. ;; Act of striking or conflicting.
Arietta : Alt. of Ariette
Ariette : A short aria, or air.
Aright : Rightly; correctly; in a right way or form; without mistake or crime; as, to worship God aright.
Aril : Alt. of Arillus
Ariled : Having an aril.
Arillate : Alt. of Ariled
Arillode : A false aril; an aril originating from the micropyle instead of from the funicle or chalaza of the ovule. The mace of the nutmeg is an arillode.
Arillus : A exterior covering, forming a false coat or appendage to a seed, as the loose, transparent bag inclosing the seed or the white water lily. The mace of the nutmeg is also an aril.
: Ariman, Ariolation, Ariose, Arioso, Arise, Arisen, Arising, Arist, Arista, Aristarch
: Arianism, Arianize, Aricine, Arid, Aridities, Aridity, Aridness, Ariel, Ariel gazelle, Aries
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary