Vocabulary : Armpit to Arnatto
Armpit : The hollow beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder; the axilla.
Armrack : A frame, generally vertical, for holding small arms.
Arms : Instruments or weapons of offense or defense. ;; The deeds or exploits of war; military service or science. ;; Anything which a man takes in his hand in anger, to strike or assault another with; an aggressive weapon. ;; The ensigns armorial of a family, consisting of figures and colors borne in shields, banners, etc., as marks of dignity and distinction, and descending from father to son. ;; The legs of a hawk from the thigh to the foot.
Armure : Armor. ;; A variety of twilled fabric ribbed on the surface.
Army : A collection or body of men armed for war, esp. one organized in companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, and divisions, under proper officers. ;; A body of persons organized for the advancement of a cause; as, the Blue Ribbon Army. ;; A great number; a vast multitude; a host.
Army organization : The system by which a country raises, classifies, arranges, and equips its armed land forces. The usual divisions are: (1) A regular or active army, in which soldiers serve continuously with the colors and live in barracks or cantonments when not in the field; (2) the reserves of this army, in which the soldiers, while remaining constantly subject to a call to the colors, live at their homes, being summoned more or less frequently to report for instruction, drill, or maneuvers; and (3) one or more classes of soldiers organized largely for territorial defense, living at home and having only occasional periods of drill and instraction, who are variously called home reserves (as in the table below), second, third, etc., line of defense (the regular army and its reserves ordinarily constituting the first line of defense), territorial forces, or the like. In countries where conscription prevails a soldier is supposed to serve a given number of years. He is usually enrolled first in the regular army, then passes t
Army worm : A lepidopterous insect, which in the larval state often travels in great multitudes from field to field, destroying grass, grain, and other crops. The common army worm of the northern United States is Leucania unipuncta. The name is often applied to other related species, as the cotton worm. ;; The larva of a small two-winged fly (Sciara), which marches in large companies, in regular order. See Cotton worm, under Cotton.
Arna : Alt. of Arnee
Arnaout : An inhabitant of Albania and neighboring mountainous regions, specif. one serving as a soldier in the Turkish army.
Arnatto : See Annotto.
: Arnaut, Arnee, Arnica, Arnicin, Arnicine, Arnot, Arnotto, Arnut, Aroid, Aroideous
: Armorer, Armorial, Armoric, Armorican, Armories, Armorist, Armor-plated, Armory, Armozeen, Armozine
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary