Vocabulary : Aroint to Aromatizing

Aroint : Stand off, or begone. ;; To drive or scare off by some exclamation.
Arolla : The stone pine (Pinus Cembra).
Aroma : The quality or principle of plants or other substances which constitutes their fragrance; agreeable odor; as, the aroma of coffee. ;; Fig.: The fine diffusive quality of intellectual power; flavor; as, the subtile aroma of genius.
Aromatic : Alt. of Aromatical ;; A plant, drug, or medicine, characterized by a fragrant smell, and usually by a warm, pungent taste, as ginger, cinnamon, spices.
Aromatical : Pertaining to, or containing, aroma; fragrant; spicy; strong-scented; odoriferous; as, aromatic balsam.
Aromatization : The act of impregnating or secting with aroma.
Aromatize : To impregnate with aroma; to render aromatic; to give a spicy scent or taste to; to perfume.
Aromatized : of Aromatize
Aromatizer : One who, or that which, aromatizes or renders aromatic.
Aromatizing : of Aromatize
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