Vocabulary : Arrogantness to Arrow

Arrogantness : Arrogance.
Arrogate : To assume, or claim as one's own, unduly, proudly, or presumptuously; to make undue claims to, from vanity or baseless pretensions to right or merit; as, the pope arrogated dominion over kings.
Arrogated : of Arrogate
Arrogating : of Arrogate
Arrogation : The act of arrogating, or making exorbitant claims; the act of taking more than one is justly entitled to. ;; Adoption of a person of full age.
Arrogative : Making undue claims and pretension; prone to arrogance.
Arrondissement : A subdivision of a department.
Arrose : To drench; to besprinkle; to moisten.
Arrosion : A gnawing.
Arrow : A missile weapon of offense, slender, pointed, and usually feathered and barbed, to be shot from a bow.
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