Vocabulary : Assever to Assidean
Assever : See Asseverate.
Asseverate : To affirm or aver positively, or with solemnity.
Asseverated : of Asseverate
Asseverating : of Asseverate
Asseveration : The act of asseverating, or that which is asseverated; positive affirmation or assertion; solemn declaration.
Asseverative : Characterized by asseveration; asserting positively.
Asseveratory : Asseverative.
Assibilate : To make sibilant; to change to a sibilant.
Assibilation : Change of a non-sibilant letter to a sibilant, as of -tion to -shun, duke to ditch.
Assidean : One of a body of devoted Jews who opposed the Hellenistic Jews, and supported the Asmoneans.
: Assident, Assiduate, Assiduities, Assiduity, Assiduous, Assiege, Assientist, Assiento, ASsign, Assignability
: Assessed, Assessee, Assessing, Assession, Assessment, Assessor, Assessorial, Assessorship, Asset, Assets
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary