Vocabulary : Associative to Assonate

Associative : Having the quality of associating; tending or leading to association; as, the associative faculty.
Associator : An associate; a confederate or partner in any scheme.
Assoil : To set free; to release. ;; To solve; to clear up. ;; To set free from guilt; to absolve. ;; To expiate; to atone for. ;; To remove; to put off. ;; To soil; to stain.
Assoilment : Act of assoiling, or state of being assoiled; absolution; acquittal. ;; A soiling; defilement.
Assoilyie : To absolve; to acquit by sentence of court.
Assoilzie : Alt. of Assoilyie
Assonance : Resemblance of sound. ;; A peculiar species of rhyme, in which the last acce`ted vow`l and tnose whioh follow it in one word correspond in sound with the vowels of another word, while the consonants of the two words are unlike in sound; as, calamo and platano, baby and chary. ;; Incomplete correspondence.
Assonant : Having a resemblance of sounds. ;; Pertaining to the peculiar species of rhyme called assonance; not consonant.
Assonantal : Assonant.
Assonate : To correspond in sound.
Next : Assort, Assorted, Assorting, Assortment, Assot, Assuage, Assuaged, Assuagement, Assuager, Assuaging
Previous : Associable, Associableness, Associate, Associated, Associateship, Associating, Association, Associational, Associationism, Associationist
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