Vocabulary : Asteridian to Asteroidal

Asteridian : Of or pertaining to the Asterioidea. ;; A starfish; one of the Asterioidea.
Asterioidea : Alt. of Asteridea
Asterion : The point on the side of the skull where the lambdoid, parieto-mastoid and occipito-mastoid sutures.
Asteriscus : The smaller of the two otoliths found in the inner ear of many fishes.
Asterisk : The figure of a star, thus, /, used in printing and writing as a reference to a passage or note in the margin, to supply the omission of letters or words, or to mark a word or phrase as having a special character.
Asterism : A constellation. ;; A small cluster of stars. ;; An asterisk, or mark of reference. ;; Three asterisks placed in this manner, /, to direct attention to a particular passage. ;; An optical property of some crystals which exhibit a star-shaped by reflected light, as star sapphire, or by transmitted light, as some mica.
Astern : In or at the hinder part of a ship; toward the hinder part, or stern; backward; as, to go astern. ;; Behind a ship; in the rear.
Asternal : Not sternal; -- said of ribs which do not join the sternum.
Asteroid : A starlike body; esp. one of the numerous small planets whose orbits lie between those of Mars and Jupiter; -- called also planetoids and minor planets.
Asteroidal : Of or pertaining to an asteroid, or to the asteroids.
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