Vocabulary : Astricting to Astringent

Astricting : of Astrict
Astriction : The act of binding; restriction; also, obligation. ;; A contraction of parts by applications; the action of an astringent substance on the animal economy. ;; Constipation. ;; Astringency. ;; An obligation to have the grain growing on certain lands ground at a certain mill, the owner paying a toll.
Astrictive : Binding; astringent. ;; An astringent.
Astrictory : Astrictive.
Astride : With one leg on each side, as a man when on horseback; with the legs stretched wide apart; astraddle.
Astriferous : Bearing stars.
Astringe : To bind fast; to constrict; to contract; to cause parts to draw together; to compress. ;; To bind by moral or legal obligation.
Astringed : of Astringe
Astringency : The quality of being astringent; the power of contracting the parts of the body; that quality in medicines or other substances which causes contraction of the organic textures; as, the astringency of tannin.
Astringent : Drawing together the tissues; binding; contracting; -- opposed to laxative; as, astringent medicines; a butter and astringent taste; astringent fruit. ;; Stern; austere; as, an astringent type of virtue. ;; A medicine or other substance that produces contraction in the soft organic textures, and checks discharges of blood, mucus, etc.
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