Vocabulary : Asystole to Ataman
Asystole : A weakening or cessation of the contractile power of the heart.Asystolism : The state or symptoms characteristic of asystole.
At : Primarily, this word expresses the relations of presence, nearness in place or time, or direction toward; as, at the ninth hour; at the house; to aim at a mark. It is less definite than in or on; at the house may be in or near the house. From this original import are derived all the various uses of at. ;; A relation of proximity to, or of presence in or on, something; as, at the door; at your shop; at home; at school; at hand; at sea and on land. ;; The relation of some state or condition; as, at war; at peace; at ease; at your service; at fault; at liberty; at risk; at disadvantage. ;; The relation of some employment or action; occupied with; as, at engraving; at husbandry; at play; at work; at meat (eating); except at puns. ;; The relation of a point or position in a series, or of degree, rate, or value; as, with the thermometer at 80; goods sold at a cheap price; a country estimated at 10,000 square miles; life is short at the longest. ;; The relations of time, age, or order; as, at ten o'clock; at twenty-
At one : In concord or friendship; in agreement (with each other); as, to be, bring, make, or set, at one, i. e., to be or bring in or to a state of agreement or reconciliation. ;; Of the same opinion; agreed; as, on these points we are at one. ;; Together.
Atabal : A kettledrum; a kind of tabor, used by the Moors.