Vocabulary : Atazir to Athanasia

Atazir : The influence of a star upon other stars or upon men.
Ate : the preterit of Eat. ;; The goddess of mischievous folly; also, in later poets, the goddess of vengeance. ;; of Eat
Atechnic : Without technical or artistic knowledge.
Ateles : A genus of American monkeys with prehensile tails, and having the thumb wanting or rudimentary. See Spider monkey, and Coaita.
Atelets sauce : Alt. of Sauce aux hatelets
Atelier : A workshop; a studio.
Atellan : Of or pertaining to Atella, in ancient Italy; as, Atellan plays; farcical; ribald. ;; A farcical drama performed at Atella.
Athalamous : Not furnished with shields or beds for the spores, as the thallus of certain lichens.
Athamaunt : Adamant.
Athanasia : Alt. of Athanasy
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