Vocabulary : Atrium to Atropine

Atrium : A square hall lighted from above, into which rooms open at one or more levels. ;; An open court with a porch or gallery around three or more sides; especially at the entrance of a basilica or other church. The name was extended in the Middle Ages to the open churchyard or cemetery. ;; The main part of either auricle of the heart as distinct from the auricular appendix. Also, the whole articular portion of the heart. ;; A cavity in ascidians into which the intestine and generative ducts open, and which also receives the water from the gills. See Ascidioidea. ;; A cavity, entrance, or passage; as, the atrium, or atrial cavity, in the body wall of the amphioxus; an atrium of the infundibula of the lungs, etc.
Atrocha : A kind of chaetopod larva in which no circles of cilia are developed.
Atrocious : Extremely heinous; full of enormous wickedness; as, atrocious quilt or deeds. ;; Characterized by, or expressing, great atrocity. ;; Very grievous or violent; terrible; as, atrocious distempers.
Atrocities : of Atrocity
Atrocity : Enormous wickedness; extreme heinousness or cruelty. ;; An atrocious or extremely cruel deed.
Atrophic : Relating to atrophy.
Atrophied : Affected with atrophy, as a tissue or organ; arrested in development at a very early stage; rudimentary. ;; of Atrophy
Atrophy : A wasting away from want of nourishment; diminution in bulk or slow emaciation of the body or of any part. ;; To cause to waste away or become abortive; to starve or weaken. ;; To waste away; to dwindle.
Atropia : Same as Atropine.
Atropine : A poisonous, white, crystallizable alkaloid, extracted from the Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade, and the Datura Stramonium, or thorn apple. It is remarkable for its power in dilating the pupil of the eye. Called also daturine.
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