Vocabulary : Augmented to Augurer

Augmented : of Augment
Augmenter : One who, or that which, augments or increases anything.
Augmenting : of Augment
Augrim : See Algorism.
Augur : An official diviner who foretold events by the singing, chattering, flight, and feeding of birds, or by signs or omens derived from celestial phenomena, certain appearances of quadrupeds, or unusual occurrences. ;; One who foretells events by omens; a soothsayer; a diviner; a prophet. ;; To conjecture from signs or omens; to prognosticate; to foreshow. ;; To anticipate, to foretell, or to indicate a favorable or an unfavorable issue; as, to augur well or ill. ;; To predict or foretell, as from signs or omens; to betoken; to presage; to infer.
Augural : Of or pertaining to augurs or to augury; betokening; ominous; significant; as, an augural staff; augural books.
Augurate : To make or take auguries; to augur; to predict. ;; The office of an augur.
Auguration : The practice of augury.
Augured : of Augur
Augurer : An augur.
Next : Augurial, Auguries, Auguring, Augurist, Augurous, Augurship, Augury, August, Augustan, Augustine
Previous : Augean, Auger, Auget, Aught, Augite, Augitic, Augment, Augmentable, Augmentation, Augmentative
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