Vocabulary : Aumery to Auntter

Aumery : A form of Ambry, a closet; but confused with Almonry, as if a place for alms.
Auncel : A rude balance for weighing, and a kind of weight, formerly used in England.
Auncetry : Ancestry.
Aune : A French cloth measure, of different parts of the country (at Paris, 0.95 of an English ell); -- now superseded by the meter.
Aunt : The sister of one's father or mother; -- correlative to nephew or niece. Also applied to an uncle's wife. ;; An old woman; and old gossip. ;; A bawd, or a prostitute.
Aunter : Alt. of Auntre
Auntie : Alt. of Aunty
Auntre : To venture; to dare.
Auntrous : Adventurous.
Auntter : Adventure; hap.
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