Vocabulary : Auricularia to Auriga
Auricularia : A kind of holothurian larva, with soft, blunt appendages. See Illustration in Appendix.
Auricularly : In an auricular manner.
Auriculars : A circle of feathers surrounding the opening of the ear of birds.
Auriculas : of Auricula
Auriculate : Alt. of Auriculated
Auriculated : Having ears or appendages like ears; eared. Esp.: (a) (Bot.) Having lobes or appendages like the ear; shaped like the ear; auricled. (b) (Zool.) Having an angular projection on one or both sides, as in certain bivalve shells, the foot of some gastropods, etc.
Auriferous : Gold-bearing; containing or producing gold.
Auriflamme : See Oriflamme.
Auriform : Having the form of the human ear; ear-shaped.
Auriga : The Charioteer, or Wagoner, a constellation in the northern hemisphere, situated between Perseus and Gemini. It contains the bright star Capella.
: Aurigal, Aurigation, Aurigraphy, Aurilave, Aurin, Auriphrygiate, Auripigment, Auriscalp, Auriscope, Auriscopy
: Aureola, Aureole, Auric, Aurichalceous, Aurichalcite, Auricle, Auricled, Auricula, Auriculae, Auricular
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary