Vocabulary : Autogamy to Autographal
Autogamy : Self-fertilization, the fertilizing pollen being derived from the same blossom as the pistil acted upon.
Autogeneal : Self-produced; autogenous.
Autogenesis : Spontaneous generation.
Autogenetic : Relating to autogenesis; self-generated. ;; Pertaining to, controlled by, or designating, a system of self-determined drainage.
Autogenetic drainage : A system of natural drainage developed by the constituent streams through headwater erosion.
Autogenetic topography : A system of land forms produced by the free action of rain and streams on rocks of uniform texture.
Autogenous : Self-generated; produced independently. ;; Developed from an independent center of ossification. ;; Autogenetic.
Autogenously : In an autogenous manner; spontaneously.
Autograph : That which is written with one's own hand; an original manuscript; a person's own signature or handwriting. ;; In one's own handwriting; as, an autograph letter; an autograph will.
Autographal : Autographic.
: Autographic, Autographical, Autography, Autoharp, Autohypnotic, Autohypnotism, Auto-infection, Auto-inoculation, Auto-intoxication, Autokinesis
: Autocratrix, Autocratship, Auto-da-fe, Auto-de-fe, Autodidact, Autodynamic, Autoecious, Autoecism, Autofecundation, Autogamous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary