Vocabulary : Autotropism to Auxetic

Autotropism : The tendency of plant organs to grow in a straight line when uninfluenced by external stimuli.
Autotype : A facsimile. ;; A photographic picture produced in sensitized pigmented gelatin by exposure to light under a negative; and subsequent washing out of the soluble parts; a kind of picture in ink from a gelatin plate.
Autotypography : A process resembling "nature printing," by which drawings executed on gelatin are impressed into a soft metal plate, from which the printing is done as from copperplate.
Autotypy : The art or process of making autotypes.
Autumn : The third season of the year, or the season between summer and winter, often called "the fall." Astronomically, it begins in the northern temperate zone at the autumnal equinox, about September 23, and ends at the winter solstice, about December 23; but in popular language, autumn, in America, comprises September, October, and November. ;; The harvest or fruits of autumn. ;; The time of maturity or decline; latter portion; third stage.
Autumnal : Of, belonging to, or peculiar to, autumn; as, an autumnal tint; produced or gathered in autumn; as, autumnal fruits; flowering in autumn; as, an autumnal plant. ;; Past the middle of life; in the third stage.
Autunite : A lemon-yellow phosphate of uranium and calcium occurring in tabular crystals with basal cleavage, and in micalike scales. H., 2-2.5. Sp. gr., 3.05-3.19.
Auxanometer : An instrument to measure the growth of plants.
Auxesis : A figure by which a grave and magnificent word is put for the proper word; amplification; hyperbole.
Auxetic : Pertaining to, or containing, auxesis; amplifying.
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