Vocabulary : Averaged to Averroism

Averaged : of Average
Averaging : of Average
Avercorn : A reserved rent in corn, formerly paid to religious houses by their tenants or farmers.
Averment : The act of averring, or that which is averred; affirmation; positive assertion. ;; Verification; establishment by evidence. ;; A positive statement of facts; an allegation; an offer to justify or prove what is alleged.
Avernal : Alt. of Avernian
Avernian : Of or pertaining to Avernus, a lake of Campania, in Italy, famous for its poisonous vapors, which ancient writers fancied were so malignant as to kill birds flying over it. It was represented by the poets to be connected with the infernal regions.
Averpenny : Money paid by a tenant in lieu of the service of average.
Averred : of Aver
Averring : of Aver
Averroism : The tenets of the Averroists.
Next : Averroist, Averruncate, Averruncation, Averruncator, Aversation, Averse, Aversely, Averseness, Aversion, Avert
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