Vocabulary : Aviaries to Avicula

Aviaries : of Aviary
Aviary : A house, inclosure, large cage, or other place, for keeping birds confined; a bird house.
Aviate : To fly, or navigate the air, in an aeroplane or heavier-than-air flying machine.
Aviated : of Aviate
Aviating : of Aviate
Aviation : The art or science of flying.
Aviator : An experimenter in aviation. ;; A flying machine. ;; The driver or pilot of an aeroplane, or heavier-than-air flying machine.
Aviatress : Alt. of Aviatrix
Aviatrix : A woman aviator.
Avicula : A genus of marine bivalves, having a pearly interior, allied to the pearl oyster; -- so called from a supposed resemblance of the typical species to a bird.
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