Vocabulary : Awk to Awm

Awk : Odd; out of order; perverse. ;; Wrong, or not commonly used; clumsy; sinister; as, the awk end of a rod (the but end). ;; Clumsy in performance or manners; unhandy; not dexterous; awkward. ;; Perversely; in the wrong way.
Awkly : In an unlucky (left-handed) or perverse manner. ;; Awkwardly.
Awkward : Wanting dexterity in the use of the hands, or of instruments; not dexterous; without skill; clumsy; wanting ease, grace, or effectiveness in movement; ungraceful; as, he was awkward at a trick; an awkward boy. ;; Not easily managed or effected; embarrassing. ;; Perverse; adverse; untoward.
Awkward squad : A squad of inapt recruits assembled for special drill.
Awl : A pointed instrument for piercing small holes, as in leather or wood; used by shoemakers, saddlers, cabinetmakers, etc. The blade is differently shaped and pointed for different uses, as in the brad awl, saddler's awl, shoemaker's awl, etc.
Awless : Wanting reverence; void of respectful fear. ;; Inspiring no awe.
Awlessness : The quality of being awless.
Awl-shaped : Shaped like an awl. ;; Subulate. See Subulate.
Awlwort : A plant (Subularia aquatica), with awl-shaped leaves.
Awm : See Aam.
Next : Awn, Awned, Awning, Awninged, Awnless, Awny, Awoke, Awoken, Awork, Aworking
Previous : Awesome, Awesomeness, Awe-stricken, Awe-struck, Awful, Awfully, Awfulness, Awhape, Awhile, Awing
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