Vocabulary : Cad to Caddice
Cad : A person who stands at the door of an omnibus to open and shut it, and to receive fares; an idle hanger-on about innyards. ;; A lowbred, presuming person; a mean, vulgar fellow.
Cadaster : An official statement of the quantity and value of real estate for the purpose of apportioning the taxes payable on such property.
Cadastral : Of or pertaining to landed property.
Cadastre : Alt. of Cadaster
Cadaver : A dead human body; a corpse.
Cadaveric : Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a corpse, or the changes produced by death; cadaverous; as, cadaveric rigidity.
Cadaverine : Alt. of -in
Cadaverous : Having the appearance or color of a dead human body; pale; ghastly; as, a cadaverous look. ;; Of or pertaining to, or having the qualities of, a dead body.
Cadbait : See Caddice.
Caddice : Alt. of Caddis
: Caddie, Caddies, Caddis, Caddish, Caddow, Caddy, Cade, Cadence, Cadency, Cadene
: Cacostomia, Cacotechny, Cacoxene, Cacoxenite, Cactaceous, Cacti, Cactus, Cactuses, Cacuminal, Cacuminate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary