Vocabulary : Cadent to Cadger

Cadent : Falling.
Cadenza : A parenthetic flourish or flight of ornament in the course of a piece, commonly just before the final cadence.
Cader : See Cadre.
Cadet : The younger of two brothers; a younger brother or son; the youngest son. ;; A gentleman who carries arms in a regiment, as a volunteer, with a view of acquiring military skill and obtaining a commission. ;; A young man in training for military or naval service; esp. a pupil in a military or naval school, as at West Point, Annapolis, or Woolwich. ;; In New Zealand, a young gentleman learning sheep farming at a station; also, any young man attached to a sheep station. ;; A young man who makes a business of ruining girls to put them in brothels.
Cadetship : The position, rank, or commission of a cadet; as, to get a cadetship.
Cadew : Alt. of Cadeworm
Cadeworm : A caddice. See Caddice.
Cadge : To carry, as a burden. ;; To hawk or peddle, as fish, poultry, etc. ;; To intrude or live on another meanly; to beg. ;; A circular frame on which cadgers carry hawks for sale.
Cadged : of Cadge
Cadger : A packman or itinerant huckster. ;; One who gets his living by trickery or begging. ;; One who carries hawks on a cadge.
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