Vocabulary : Cadmic to Caducous
Cadmic : Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, cadmium; as, cadmic sulphide.
Cadmium : A comparatively rare element related to zinc, and occurring in some zinc ores. It is a white metal, both ductile and malleable. Symbol Cd. Atomic weight 111.8. It was discovered by Stromeyer in 1817, who named it from its association with zinc or zinc ore.
Cadrans : An instrument with a graduated disk by means of which the angles of gems are measured in the process of cutting and polishing.
Cadre : The framework or skeleton upon which a regiment is to be formed; the officers of a regiment forming the staff.
Caducary : Relating to escheat, forfeiture, or confiscation.
Caducean : Of or belonging to Mercury's caduceus, or wand.
Caduceus : The official staff or wand of Hermes or Mercury, the messenger of the gods. It was originally said to be a herald's staff of olive wood, but was afterwards fabled to have two serpents coiled about it, and two wings at the top.
Caducibranchiate : With temporary gills: -- applied to those Amphibia in which the gills do not remain in adult life.
Caducity : Tendency to fall; the feebleness of old age; senility.
Caducous : Dropping off or disappearing early, as the calyx of a poppy, or the gills of a tadpole.
: Caduke, Cady, Caeca, Caecal, Caecias, Caecilian, Caecum, Caecums, Caelatura, Caen stone
: Cadging, Cadgy, Cadi, Cadie, Cadilesker, Cadillac, Cadis, Cadmean, Cadmia, Cadmian
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary