Vocabulary : Caffre to Cagit

Caffre : See Kaffir.
Cafila : Alt. of Cafileh
Cafileh : A caravan of travelers; a military supply train or government caravan; a string of pack horses.
Caftan : A garment worn throughout the Levant, consisting of a long gown with sleeves reaching below the hands. It is generally fastened by a belt or sash. ;; To clothe with a caftan.
Cag : See Keg.
Cage : A box or inclosure, wholly or partly of openwork, in wood or metal, used for confining birds or other animals. ;; A place of confinement for malefactors ;; An outer framework of timber, inclosing something within it; as, the cage of a staircase. ;; A skeleton frame to limit the motion of a loose piece, as a ball valve. ;; A wirework strainer, used in connection with pumps and pipes. ;; The box, bucket, or inclosed platform of a lift or elevator; a cagelike structure moving in a shaft. ;; The drum on which the rope is wound in a hoisting whim. ;; The catcher's wire mask. ;; To confine in, or as in, a cage; to shut up or confine.
Caged : of Cage ;; Confined in, or as in, a cage; like a cage or prison.
Cageling : A bird confined in a cage; esp. a young bird.
Caging : of Cage
Cagit : A kind of parrot, of a beautiful green color, found in the Philippine Islands.
Next : Cagmag, Cagot, Cahenslyism, Cahier, Cahiered, Cahinca root, Cahincic, Cahoot, Caimacam, Caiman
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