Vocabulary : Caligation to Calipers

Caligation : Dimness; cloudiness.
Caliginosity : Darkness.
Caliginous : Affected with darkness or dimness; dark; obscure.
Caligo : Dimness or obscurity of sight, dependent upon a speck on the cornea; also, the speck itself.
Caligraphic : See Calligraphic.
Caligraphy : See Caligraphy.
Calin : An alloy of lead and tin, of which the Chinese make tea canisters.
Calipash : A part of a turtle which is next to the upper shell. It contains a fatty and gelatinous substance of a dull greenish tinge, much esteemed as a delicacy in preparations of turtle.
Calipee : A part of a turtle which is attached to the lower shell. It contains a fatty and gelatinous substance of a light yellowish color, much esteemed as a delicacy.
Calipers : An instrument, usually resembling a pair of dividers or compasses with curved legs, for measuring the diameter or thickness of bodies, as of work shaped in a lathe or planer, timber, masts, shot, etc.; or the bore of firearms, tubes, etc.; -- called also caliper compasses, or caliber compasses.
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