Vocabulary : Calumba to Calumnies
Calumba : The root of a plant (Jateorrhiza Calumba, and probably Cocculus palmatus), indigenous in Mozambique. It has an unpleasantly bitter taste, and is used as a tonic and antiseptic.Calumbin : A bitter principle extracted as a white crystalline substance from the calumba root.
Calumet : A kind of pipe, used by the North American Indians for smoking tobacco. The bowl is usually made of soft red stone, and the tube is a long reed often ornamented with feathers.
Calumniate : To accuse falsely and maliciously of a crime or offense, or of something disreputable; to slander; to libel. ;; To propagate evil reports with a design to injure the reputation of another; to make purposely false charges of some offense or crime.
Calumniated : of Calumniate