Vocabulary : Cambist to Cambrian
Cambist : A banker; a money changer or broker; one who deals in bills of exchange, or who is skilled in the science of exchange.
Cambistry : The science of exchange, weight, measures, etc.
Cambium : A series of formative cells lying outside of the wood proper and inside of the inner bark. The growth of new wood takes place in the cambium, which is very soft. ;; A fancied nutritive juice, formerly supposed to originate in the blood, to repair losses of the system, and to promote its increase.
Camblet : See Camlet.
Camboge : See Gamboge.
Camboose : See Caboose.
Cambrasine : A kind of linen cloth made in Egypt, and so named from its resemblance to cambric.
Cambrel : See Gambrel, n., 2.
Cambria : The ancient Latin name of Wales. It is used by modern poets.
Cambrian : Of or pertaining to Cambria or Wales. ;; Of or pertaining to the lowest subdivision of the rocks of the Silurian or Molluscan age; -- sometimes described as inferior to the Silurian. It is named from its development in Cambria or Wales. See the Diagram under Geology. ;; A native of Cambria or Wales. ;; The Cambrian formation.
: Cambric, Cambro-Briton, Came, Camel, Camel-backed, Cameleon, Camellia, Camelopard, Camelot, Camelry
: Camara, Camaraderie, Camarasaurus, Camarilla, Camass, Camber, Cambered, Cambering, Camberkeeled, Cambial
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