Vocabulary : Canebrake to Canine

Canebrake : A thicket of canes.
Caned : of Cane ;; Filled with white flakes; mothery; -- said vinegar when containing mother.
Canella : A genus of trees of the order Canellaceae, growing in the West Indies.
Canes : of Canis
Canescent : Growing white, or assuming a color approaching to white.
Cangue : A very broad and heavy wooden collar which certain offenders in China are compelled to wear as a punishment.
Canicular : Pertaining to, or measured, by the rising of the Dog Star.
Canicule : Canicula.
Caninal : See Canine, a.
Canine : Of or pertaining to the family Canidae, or dogs and wolves; having the nature or qualities of a dog; like that or those of a dog. ;; Of or pertaining to the pointed tooth on each side the incisors. ;; A canine tooth.
Next : Caning, Canis, Canister, Canker, Canker bloom, Canker blossom, Canker fly, Canker rash, Canker-bit, Cankered
Previous : Candlepin, Candlestick, Candlewaster, Candock, Candor, Candroy, Candy, Candying, Candytuft, Cane
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