Vocabulary : Canned to Cannicula
Canned : of CanCannei : Artful; cunning; shrewd; wary. ;; Skillful; knowing; capable. ;; Cautious; prudent; safe.. ;; Having pleasing or useful qualities; gentle. ;; Reputed to have magical powers.
Cannel coal : A kind of mineral coal of a black color, sufficiently hard and solid to be cut and polished. It burns readily, with a clear, yellow flame, and on this account has been used as a substitute for candles.
Cannele : A style of interweaving giving to fabrics a channeled or fluted effect; also, a fabric woven so as to have this effect; a rep.
Cannelure : A groove in any cylinder; specif., a groove around the cylinder of an elongated bullet for small arms to contain a lubricant, or around the rotating band of a gun projectile to lessen the resistance offered to the rifling. Also, a groove around the base of a cartridge, where the extractor takes hold.