Vocabulary : Canoness to Canonization
Canoness : A woman who holds a canonry in a conventual chapter.
Canonic : Alt. of Cannonical
Canonically : In a canonical manner; according to the canons.
Canonicalness : The quality of being canonical; canonicity.
Canonicals : The dress prescribed by canon to be worn by a clergyman when officiating. Sometimes, any distinctive professional dress.
Canonicate : The office of a canon; a canonry.
Canonicity : The state or quality of being canonical; agreement with the canon.
Canonist : A professor of canon law; one skilled in the knowledge and practice of ecclesiastical law.
Canonistic : Of or pertaining to a canonist.
Canonization : The final process or decree (following beatifacation) by which the name of a deceased person is placed in the catalogue (canon) of saints and commended to perpetual veneration and invocation. ;; The state of being canonized or sainted.
: Canonize, Canonized, Canonizing, Canonry, Canonship, Canopes, Canopies, Canopus, Canopy, Canopying
: Canoe, Canoed, Canoeing, Canoeist, Canoeman, Canoemen, Canoes, Canon, Canon bit, Canon bone
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary