Vocabulary : Caparison to Capella
Caparison : An ornamental covering or housing for a horse; the harness or trappings of a horse, taken collectively, esp. when decorative. ;; Gay or rich clothing. ;; To cover with housings, as a horse; to harness or fit out with decorative trappings, as a horse. ;; To aborn with rich dress; to dress.
Caparisoned : of Caparison
Caparisoning : of Caparison
Caparro : A large South American monkey (Lagothrix Humboldtii), with prehensile tail.
Capcase : A small traveling case or bandbox; formerly, a chest.
Cape : A piece or point of land, extending beyond the adjacent coast into the sea or a lake; a promontory; a headland. ;; To head or point; to keep a course; as, the ship capes southwest by south. ;; A sleeveless garment or part of a garment, hanging from the neck over the back, arms, and shoulders, but not reaching below the hips. See Cloak. ;; To gape.
Capel : Alt. of Caple ;; A composite stone (quartz, schorl, and hornblende) in the walls of tin and copper lodes.
Capelan : See Capelin.
Capelin : A small marine fish (Mallotus villosus) of the family Salmonidae, very abundant on the coasts of Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland, and Alaska. It is used as a bait for the cod.
Capella : A brilliant star in the constellation Auriga.
: Capellane, Capelle, Capellet, Capellmeister, Caper, Caper bush, Caper tree, Caperberry, Capercailzie, Capercally
: Capaciosly, Capacious, Capaciousness, Capacitate, Capacitated, Capacitating, Capacities, Capacity, Capape, Capapie
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary