Vocabulary : Capitularly to Capivi

Capitularly : In the manner or form of an ecclesiastical chapter.
Capitulary : A capitular. ;; The body of laws or statutes of a chapter, or of an ecclesiastical council. ;; A collection of laws or statutes, civil and ecclesiastical, esp. of the Frankish kings, in chapters or sections. ;; Relating to the chapter of a cathedral; capitular.
Capitulate : To settle or draw up the heads or terms of an agreement, as in chapters or articles; to agree. ;; To surrender on terms agreed upon (usually, drawn up under several heads); as, an army or a garrison capitulates. ;; To surrender or transfer, as an army or a fortress, on certain conditions.
Capitulated : of Capitulate
Capitulating : of Capitulate
Capitulation : A reducing to heads or articles; a formal agreement. ;; The act of capitulating or surrendering to an emeny upon stipulated terms. ;; The instrument containing the terms of an agreement or surrender.
Capitulator : One who capitulates.
Capitule : A summary.
Capitulum : A thick head of flowers on a very short axis, as a clover top, or a dandelion; a composite flower. A capitulum may be either globular or flat. ;; A knoblike protuberance of any part, esp. at the end of a bone or cartilage. [See Illust. of Artiodactyla.]
Capivi : A balsam of the Spanish West Indies. See Copaiba.
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