Vocabulary : Capstan to Captain

Capstan : A vertical cleated drum or cylinder, revolving on an upright spindle, and surmounted by a drumhead with sockets for bars or levers. It is much used, especially on shipboard, for moving or raising heavy weights or exerting great power by traction upon a rope or cable, passing around the drum. It is operated either by steam power or by a number of men walking around the capstan, each pushing on the end of a lever fixed in its socket.
Capstone : A fossil echinus of the genus Cannulus; -- so called from its supposed resemblance to a cap.
Capsular : Alt. of Capsulary
Capsulary : Of or pertaining to a capsule; having the nature of a capsule; hollow and fibrous.
Capsulate : Alt. of Capsulated
Capsulated : Inclosed in a capsule, or as in a chest or box.
Capsule : a dry fruit or pod which is made up of several parts or carpels, and opens to discharge the seeds, as, the capsule of the poppy, the flax, the lily, etc. ;; A small saucer of clay for roasting or melting samples of ores, etc.; a scorifier. ;; a small, shallow, evaporating dish, usually of porcelain. ;; A small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous envelope in which nauseous or acrid doses are inclosed to be swallowed. ;; A membranous sac containing fluid, or investing an organ or joint; as, the capsule of the lens of the eye. Also, a capsulelike organ. ;; A metallic seal or cover for closing a bottle. ;; A small cup or shell, as of metal, for a percussion cap, cartridge, etc.
Capsulitis : Inflammation of a capsule, as that of the crystalline lens.
Capsulotomy : The incision of a capsule, esp. of that of the crystalline lens, as in a cataract operation.
Captain : A head, or chief officer ;; The military officer who commands a company, troop, or battery, or who has the rank entitling him to do so though he may be employed on other service. ;; An officer in the United States navy, next above a commander and below a commodore, and ranking with a colonel in the army. ;; By courtesy, an officer actually commanding a vessel, although not having the rank of captain. ;; The master or commanding officer of a merchant vessel. ;; One in charge of a portion of a ship's company; as, a captain of a top, captain of a gun, etc. ;; The foreman of a body of workmen. ;; A person having authority over others acting in concert; as, the captain of a boat's crew; the captain of a football team. ;; A military leader; a warrior. ;; To act as captain of; to lead. ;; Chief; superior.
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