Vocabulary : Car mileage to Caracal
Car mileage : Car miles collectively. ;; The amount paid by one road the use of cars of another road.
Car wheel : A flanged wheel of a railway car or truck.
Carabao : The water buffalo.
Carabid : Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the genus Carbus or family Carabidae. ;; One of the Carabidae, a family of active insectivorous beetles.
Carabine : A carbine.
Carabineer : A carbineer.
Caraboid : Like, or pertaining to the genus Carabus.
Carabus : A genus of ground beetles, including numerous species. They devour many injurious insects.
Carac : See Carack.
Caracal : A lynx (Felis, or Lynx, caracal.) It is a native of Africa and Asia. Its ears are black externally, and tipped with long black hairs.
: Caracara, Carack, Caracole, Caracoled, Caracoly, Caracora, Caracore, Caracul, Carafe, Carageen
: Capuccio, Capuched, Capuchin, Capucine, Capulet, Capulin, Caput, Capybara, Car, Car mile
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary