Vocabulary : Caravaneer to Carbazol

Caravaneer : The leader or driver of the camels in caravan.
Caravansaries : of Caravansary
Caravansary : A kind of inn, in the East, where caravans rest at night, being a large, rude, unfurnished building, surrounding a court.
Caravel : A name given to several kinds of vessels. ;; The caravel of the 16th century was a small vessel with broad bows, high, narrow poop, four masts, and lateen sails. Columbus commanded three caravels on his great voyage. ;; A Portuguese vessel of 100 or 150 tons burden. ;; A small fishing boat used on the French coast. ;; A Turkish man-of-war.
Caraway : A biennial plant of the Parsley family (Carum Carui). The seeds have an aromatic smell, and a warm, pungent taste. They are used in cookery and confectionery, and also in medicine as a carminative. ;; A cake or sweetmeat containing caraway seeds.
Carbamic : Pertaining to an acid so called.
Carbamide : The technical name for urea.
Carbamine : An isocyanide of a hydrocarbon radical. The carbamines are liquids, usually colorless, and of unendurable odor.
Carbanil : A mobile liquid, CO.N.C6H5, of pungent odor. It is the phenyl salt of isocyanic acid.
Carbazol : A white crystallized substance, C12H8NH, derived from aniline and other amines.
Next : Carbazotate, Carbazotic, Carbide, Carbimide, Carbine, Carbineer, Carbinol, Carbohydrate, Carbohydride, Carbolic
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