Vocabulary : Carboniferous to Carborundum cloth
Carboniferous : Producing or containing carbon or coal.
Carbonite : An explosive consisting essentially of nitroglycerin, wood meal, and some nitrate, as that of sodium. ;; An explosive composed of nitrobenzene, saltpeter, sulphur, and kieselguhr.
Carbonization : The act or process of carbonizing.
Carbonize : To convert (an animal or vegetable substance) into a residue of carbon by the action of fire or some corrosive agent; to char. ;; To impregnate or combine with carbon, as in making steel by cementation.
Carbonized : of Carbonize
Carbonizing : of Carbonize
Carbonometer : An instrument for detecting and measuring the amount of carbon which is present, or more esp. the amount of carbon dioxide, by its action on limewater or by other means.
Carbonyl : The radical (CO)'', occuring, always combined, in many compounds, as the aldehydes, the ketones, urea, carbonyl chloride, etc.
Carborundum : A beautiful crystalline compound, SiC, consisting of carbon and silicon in combination; carbon silicide. It is made by heating carbon and sand together in an electric furnace. The commercial article is dark-colored and iridescent. It is harder than emery, and is used as an abrasive.
Carborundum cloth : Alt. of paper
: Carbostyril, Carboxide, Carboxyl, Carboy, Carbuncle, Carbuncled, Carbuncular, Carbunculation, Carburet, Carburetant
: Carbonadoing, Carbonari, Carbonarism, Carbonaro, Carbonatation, Carbonate, Carbonated, Carbone, Carbonic, Carbonide
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary