Vocabulary : Carbureted to Carburizing
Carbureted : of Carburet ;; Combined with carbon in the manner of a carburet or carbide. ;; Saturated or impregnated with some volatile carbon compound; as, water gas is carbureted to increase its illuminating power.
Carbureting : of Carburet
Carburetor : An apparatus in which coal gas, hydrogen, or air is passed through or over a volatile hydrocarbon, in order to confer or increase illuminating power. ;; Alt. of Carburettor
Carburetted : of Carburet
Carburetting : of Carburet
Carburettor : One that carburets; specif., an apparatus in which air or gas is carbureted, as by passing it through a light petroleum oil. The carburetor for a gasoline engine is usually either a surface carburetor, or a float, float-feed, / spray, carburetor. In the former air is charged by being passed over the surface of gasoline. In the latter a fine spray of gasoline is drawn from an atomizing nozzle by a current of air induced by the suction of the engine piston, the supply of gasoline being regulated by a float which actuates a needle valve controlling the outlet of the feed pipe. Alcohol and other volatile inflammable liquids may be used instead of gasoline.
Carburization : The act, process, or result of carburizing.
Carburize : To combine with carbon or a carbon compound; -- said esp. of a process for conferring a higher degree of illuminating power on combustible gases by mingling them with a vapor of volatile hydrocarbons.
Carburized : of Carburize
Carburizing : of Carburize
: Carcajou, Carcanet, Carcase, Carcass, Carcasses, Carcavelhos, Carcel, Carcel lamp, Carcelage, Carceral
: Carbostyril, Carboxide, Carboxyl, Carboy, Carbuncle, Carbuncled, Carbuncular, Carbunculation, Carburet, Carburetant
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary