Vocabulary : Cariama to Caricaturist

Cariama : A large, long-legged South American bird (Dicholophus cristatus) which preys upon snakes, etc. See Seriema.
Carib : A native of the Caribbee islands or the coasts of the Caribbean sea; esp., one of a tribe of Indians inhabiting a region of South America, north of the Amazon, and formerly most of the West India islands.
Caribbean : Alt. of Caribbee
Caribbee : Of or pertaining to the Caribs, to their islands (the eastern and southern West Indies), or to the sea (called the Caribbean sea) lying between those islands and Central America. ;; A Carib.
Caribe : A south American fresh water fish of the genus Serrasalmo of many species, remarkable for its voracity. When numerous they attack man or beast, often with fatal results.
Caribou : The American reindeer, especially the common or woodland species (Rangifer Caribou).
Caricature : An exaggeration, or distortion by exaggeration, of parts or characteristics, as in a picture. ;; A picture or other figure or description in which the peculiarities of a person or thing are so exaggerated as to appear ridiculous; a burlesque; a parody. ;; To make or draw a caricature of; to represent with ridiculous exaggeration; to burlesque.
Caricatured : of Caricature
Caricaturing : of Caricature
Caricaturist : One who caricatures.
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