Vocabulary : Carthaginian to Cartman
Carthaginian : Of a pertaining to ancient Carthage, a city of northern Africa. ;; A native or inhabitant of Carthage.
Carthamin : A red coloring matter obtained from the safflower, or Carthamus tinctorius.
Carthusian : A member of an exceeding austere religious order, founded at Chartreuse in France by St. Bruno, in the year 1086. ;; Pertaining to the Carthusian.
Cartilage : A translucent, elastic tissue; gristle.
Cartilagineous : See Cartilaginous.
Cartilaginification : The act or process of forming cartilage.
Cartilaginous : Of or pertaining to cartilage; gristly; firm and tough like cartilage. ;; Having the skeleton in the state of cartilage, the bones containing little or no calcareous matter; said of certain fishes, as the sturgeon and the sharks.
Carting : of Cart
Cartist : In Spain and Portugal, one who supports the constitution.
Cartman : One who drives or uses a cart; a teamster; a carter.
: Cartogram, Cartographer, Cartographic, Cartographical, Cartographically, Cartography, Cartomancy, Carton, Cartoon, Cartoonist
: Cartbote, Carte, Carte blanche, Carte de visite, Carted, Cartel, Carter, Cartes de visite, Cartesian, Cartesianism
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary