Vocabulary : Cascade method to Case knife

Cascade method : A method of attaining successively lower temperatures by utilizing the cooling effect of the expansion of one gas in condensing another less easily liquefiable, and so on.
Cascade system : A system or method of connecting and operating two induction motors so that the primary circuit of one is connected to the secondary circuit of the other, the primary circuit of the latter being connected to the source of supply; also, a system of electric traction in which motors so connected are employed. The cascade system is also called tandem, / concatenated, system; the connection a cascade, tandem, / concatenated, connection, or a concatenation; and the control of the motors so obtained a tandem, / concatenation, control.
Cascalho : A deposit of pebbles, gravel, and ferruginous sand, in which the Brazilian diamond is usually found.
Cascara buckthorn : The buckthorn (Rhamnus Purshiana) of the Pacific coast of the United States, which yields cascara sagrada.
Cascara sagrada : Holy bark; the bark of the California buckthorn (Rhamnus Purshianus), used as a mild cathartic or laxative.
Cascarilla : A euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub (Croton Eleutheria); also, its aromatic bark.
Cascarillin : A white, crystallizable, bitter substance extracted from oil of cascarilla.
Cascaron : Lit., an eggshell; hence, an eggshell filled with confetti to be thrown during balls, carnivals, etc.
Case : A box, sheath, or covering; as, a case for holding goods; a case for spectacles; the case of a watch; the case (capsule) of a cartridge; a case (cover) for a book. ;; A box and its contents; the quantity contained in a box; as, a case of goods; a case of instruments. ;; A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type. ;; An inclosing frame; a casing; as, a door case; a window case. ;; A small fissure which admits water to the workings. ;; To cover or protect with, or as with, a case; to inclose. ;; To strip the skin from; as, to case a box. ;; Chance; accident; hap; opportunity. ;; That which befalls, comes, or happens; an event; an instance; a circumstance, or all the circumstances; condition; state of things; affair; as, a strange case; a case of injustice; the case of the Indian tribes. ;; A patient under treatment; an instance of sickness or injury; as, ten cases of fever; also, the history of a disease or injury. ;; The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguish
Case knife : A knife carried in a sheath or case. ;; A large table knife; -- so called from being formerly kept in a case.
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