Vocabulary : Catastrophe to Catch

Catastrophe : An event producing a subversion of the order or system of things; a final event, usually of a calamitous or disastrous nature; hence, sudden calamity; great misfortune. ;; The final event in a romance or a dramatic piece; a denouement, as a death in a tragedy, or a marriage in a comedy. ;; A violent and widely extended change in the surface of the earth, as, an elevation or subsidence of some part of it, effected by internal causes.
Catastrophic : Of a pertaining to a catastrophe.
Catastrophism : The doctrine that the geological changes in the earth's crust have been caused by the sudden action of violent physical causes; -- opposed to the doctrine of uniformism.
Catastrophist : One who holds the theory or catastrophism.
Catawba : A well known light red variety of American grape. ;; A light-colored, sprightly American wine from the Catawba grape.
Catawbas : An Appalachian tribe of Indians which originally inhabited the regions near the Catawba river and the head waters of the Santee.
Catbird : An American bird (Galeoscoptes Carolinensis), allied to the mocking bird, and like it capable of imitating the notes of other birds, but less perfectly. Its note resembles at times the mewing of a cat.
Catboat : A small sailboat, with a single mast placed as far forward as possible, carring a sail extended by a gaff and long boom. See Illustration in Appendix.
Catcall : A sound like the cry of a cat, such as is made in playhouses to express dissatisfaction with a play; also, a small shrill instrument for making such a noise.
Catch : To lay hold on; to seize, especially with the hand; to grasp (anything) in motion, with the effect of holding; as, to catch a ball. ;; To seize after pursuing; to arrest; as, to catch a thief. ;; To take captive, as in a snare or net, or on a hook; as, to catch a bird or fish. ;; Hence: To insnare; to entangle. ;; To seize with the senses or the mind; to apprehend; as, to catch a melody. ;; To communicate to; to fasten upon; as, the fire caught the adjoining building. ;; To engage and attach; to please; to charm. ;; To get possession of; to attain. ;; To take or receive; esp. to take by sympathy, contagion, infection, or exposure; as, to catch the spirit of an occasion; to catch the measles or smallpox; to catch cold; the house caught fire. ;; To come upon unexpectedly or by surprise; to find; as, to catch one in the act of stealing. ;; To reach in time; to come up with; as, to catch a train. ;; To attain possession. ;; To be held or impeded by entanglement or a light obstruction; as, a kite catches in a tree
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