Vocabulary : Catechising to Catechumen
Catechising : of Catechise
Catechism : A form of instruction by means of questions and answers. ;; A book containing a summary of principles, especially of religious doctrine, reduced to the form of questions and answers.
Catechismal : Of or pertaining to a catechism, having the form of questions and answers; catechetical.
Catechist : One who instructs by question and answer, especially in religions matters.
Catechistic : Alt. of Catechistical
Catechistical : Of or pertaining to a catechist or to a catechism.
Catechize : See Catechise.
Catechu : A dry, brown, astringent extract, obtained by decoction and evaporation from the Acacia catechu, and several other plants growing in India. It contains a large portion of tannin or tannic acid, and is used in medicine and in the arts. It is also known by the names terra japonica, cutch, gambier, etc.
Catechuic : Of or pertaining to catechu or its derivatives. See catechin.
Catechumen : One who is receiving rudimentary instruction in the doctrines of Christianity; a neophyte; in the primitive church, one officially recognized as a Christian, and admitted to instruction preliminary to admission to full membership in the church.
: Catechumenate, Catechumenical, Catechumenist, Categorematic, Categorical, Categorically, Categoricalness, Categories, Categorist, Categorize
: Cate, Catechetic, Catechetical, Catechetically, Catechetics, Catechin, Catechisation, Catechise, Catechised, Catechiser
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary