Vocabulary : Cathodograph to Catholicon
Cathodograph : Alt. of CathodegraphCat-hole : One of two small holes astern, above the gunroom ports, through which hawsers may be passed.
Catholic : Universal or general; as, the catholic faith. ;; Not narrow-minded, partial, or bigoted; liberal; as, catholic tastes. ;; Of or pertaining to, or affecting the Roman Catholics; as, the Catholic emancipation act. ;; A person who accepts the creeds which are received in common by all parts of the orthodox Christian church. ;; An adherent of the Roman Catholic church; a Roman Catholic.
Catholical : Catholic.
Catholicism : The state or quality of being catholic or universal; catholicity. ;; Liberality of sentiment; breadth of view. ;; The faith of the whole orthodox Christian church, or adherence thereto. ;; The doctrines or faith of the Roman Catholic church, or adherence thereto.