Vocabulary : Caucusing to Caudices
Caucusing : of Caucus
Cauda galli : A plume-shaped fossil, supposed to be a seaweed, characteristic of the lower Devonian rocks; as, the cauda galli grit.
Caudad : Backwards; toward the tail or posterior part.
Caudal : Of the nature of, or pertaining to, a tail; having a tail-like appendage.
Caudata : See Urodela.
Caudate : Alt. of Caudated
Caudated : Having a tail; having a termination like a tail.
Caudex : The stem of a tree., esp. a stem without a branch, as of a palm or a tree fern; also, the perennial rootstock of an herbaceous plant.
Caudexes : of Caudex
Caudices : of Caudex
: Caudicle, Caudicula, Caudle, Caudled, Caudling, Cauf, Caufle, Caught, Cauk, Cauker
: Catstitch, Catsup, Cat-tail, Catting, Cattish, Cattle, Catty, Caucasian, Caucus, Caucused
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary