Vocabulary : Caviare to Cavillation

Caviare : Alt. of Caviar
Cavicorn : Having hollow horns.
Cavicornia : A group of ruminants whose horns are hollow, and planted on a bony process of the front, as the ox.
Cavies : of Cavy
Cavil : To raise captious and frivolous objections; to find fault without good reason. ;; To cavil at. ;; A captious or frivolous objection.
Caviled : of Cavil
Caviler : Alt. of Caviller
Caviling : of Cavil ;; Disposed to cavil; finding fault without good reason. See Captious.
Cavilingly : In a caviling manner.
Cavillation : Frivolous or sophistical objection.
Next : Cavilled, Caviller, Cavilling, Cavillous, Cavilous, Cavin, Caving, Cavitary, Cavities, Cavity
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