Vocabulary : Cedared to Cedriret

Cedared : Covered, or furnished with, cedars.
Cedarn : Of or pertaining to the cedar or its wood.
Cede : To yield or surrender; to give up; to resign; as, to cede a fortress, a province, or country, to another nation, by treaty.
Ceded : of Cede
Cedilla : A mark placed under the letter c [thus, c], to show that it is to be sounded like s, as in facade.
Ceding : of Cede
Cedrat : Properly the citron, a variety of Citrus medica, with large fruits, not acid, and having a high perfume.
Cedrene : A rich aromatic oil, C15H24, extracted from oil of red cedar, and regarded as a polymeric terpene; also any one of a class of similar substances, as the essential oils of cloves, cubebs, juniper, etc., of which cedrene proper is the type.
Cedrine : Of or pertaining to cedar or the cedar tree.
Cedriret : Same as Coerulignone.
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